by Marcus Hickman | 7 Feb, 2024 | Our blog
Chris White and Marcus HickmanMarketing science – especially as identified by industry authorities Byron Sharp and Jenny Romaniuk – shows that to really grow, a brand needs to be easier to access in consumer memory, in more buying situations, and for more consumers....
by Marcus Hickman | 25 Jul, 2023 | Customer experience, Our blog
The growth of AI technologies is a hot topic and it’s feeding uncertainty as organisations like OpenAI and DeepMind are continuing to innovate their AI technologies. So what is AI technology? The ONS, whose data is used throughout this blog, currently defines AI...
by Marcus Hickman | 8 Apr, 2022 | Our blog, Customer experience
What next for video culture?As early as 2002, and before phone streaming, The Henley Centre publicised an emerging shift in the way people receive information – away from the written word and towards the audible-visual word or video. Having recently hit the...
by Marcus Hickman | 2 Nov, 2021 | Our blog, Customer experience
A year on from our initial research into shopping apps and their usability, Davies Hickman has revisited the 30 apps in our 2020 study to reveal whether any improvements have been implemented to make the customer experience more enjoyable and the process easier to...
by Marcus Hickman | 25 Jun, 2020 | Our blog
Chris White and Marcus Hickman The mental availability of B2B brands in buyers’ minds is critical to drive business growth. Understanding how your B2B brand relates to the needs and context of buyers compared to your competitors is vital and enables you to...